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Published in the NY Times on June 5, 1994 this feature story was written by Nelson Brant who jumped into Normandy and Holland as a member of Company D,508th PIR.  Although twice wounded, once by a machinegun round through the chest,  Nelson survived the war and became a journalist.

(Click on images below to read the story in a low resolution form or click on "high resolution" link near each photo for a larger image - approx 500 KB each, or, click here for a PDF version - approx 2 MB.)

This is a story in his own words as to the effects that he felt after the war and his ultimate coming to grips with the experiences.

Image 1  How Nelson was enticed to enlist as a paratrooper.  The firefights in Normandy and a impromptu lunch with local residents. Wounded by machinegun fire. Image 2  Graphic depiction of the invasion and the role of the 508th.Image 3  Conclusion of Nelson's story and a graphic inventory of the paratroopers load.
(click for high resolution)(click for high resolution)((click for high resolution)