The President of the United States of America, authorized by Act of Congress, July 9, 1918, has awarded the Distinguished Service Medal to Major General Roy E. Lindquist, USA for exceptionally meritorious service in positions of great responsibility:
Major General Lindquist distinguished himself by eminently meritorious service to the Government in successive positions of great responsibility during the period May 1953 to June 1960.
From May 1953 to August 1958, General Lindquist served as Commanding General, Camp Stoneman, California; Assistant Division Commander, 6th Infantry Division, Fort Ord, California; Commanding General, 187th Airborne Regimental Combat Team, Army Forces, Far East; concurrently as Chief of Staff and Deputy Commander, IX Corps, and Acting Commanding General of the Central Command; Chief of the Training Inspection Team, Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Administration, Headquarters, Army Forces, Far East and Eighth United States Army (Rear); Deputy Test Director, Trooj1) Test Jump Light, Fort Campbell, Kentucky; and Commanding General of the 3rd Infantry Division, Fort Benning, Georgia.
In each of these high level command and staff positions, his administrative excellence, marked professional ability and energetic leadership made material contributions to the smooth and orderly accomplishment of military objectives. His mature
judgment, broad military knowledge and personal initiative and resourcefulness were constantly directed in the best interests of the service, and led to the rapid and effective resolution of diverse and complex operational obstacles.
General Lindquist culminated his brilliant career in concurrent duties as Chief of the United Stated Military Mission with the Iranian Army, and the Military Assistance Advisory group to that country. His diplomacy, skillful leadership and outstanding managerial capacity enabled him to facilitate improvements within the Iranian military structure, and earned him the confidence and close cooperation of the Government and people of Iran. This has furthered the fine spirit of mutual respect and confidence which exists between Iran and the United States.
General Lindquist’s long and distinguished performance of duty represents outstanding achievement in the most cherished traditions of the United States Army, and reflects distinct credit upon himself and the military service.