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PARKER PATTER  [January 06 1944]


Three railroad operating unions still holding aloof From arbitration had assurances Thursday that the carriers do not consider basic wages frozen for the duration of the war by President Roosevelt's decision governing two other brotherhoods. This development plus the appointment of a special presidents! board to consider the non operating case revived hopes of an early settlement which would permit an end to Army control of the nations railroad system. The carriers' and General chairmen summoned to Washington by chiefs of the three operating unions conductors, firemen end switchmen to determine a course of action,


British submarines have sunk eight German or German controlled ships including a large tanker and have damaged two others in recent operations in the Mediterranean the Admiralty announced. The tanker the announcement said was attacked and sunk in convoy in the Gulf of Genoa,

What Spt. Major on what Army Transport (as if we didn't know), has been so busy nearly driven wild by the antics of both the permanent Army Personnel and the members of the Ship's Crew; he actually started foaming at the mouth? It is said Doc. Healy has Inoculated him and it is now safe to approach our sailing friend once again. P.S. It is rumored the Spt. Major in question is in the habit of having G.I. soap for dessert, which ho claims, is easily digestible and an excellent tonic for low morale.


Things were going along smoothly in the messhall. A big detail worked far into the night. They were preparing sandwiches to be used by the men upon debarkation.

The anonymous mind in charge had every detail perfectly planned. There was enough bread, enough oranges, enough everything, including Sardines, for amount of  sandwiches needed.

But something went wrong. For with about 700 sandwiches to go at about 2300 hr., a tremendous Sardine shortage arose. The boys found that they were in need of approximately 700 sardines. What had happened? The question, for about five minutes, was mystifying.

Then came the denouement.

An eerie, reeking aroma raked the entire raft. Two and two make four, Things were not well in Denmark. Foul play was definitely afoot.

Someone had sabotaged the Sardine situation.

And with the revelation came the investigation, with Lt. Dietrich in command. We are not at Liberty to divulge further information, Sorry, We can say though, without reservation, that crime doesn't pay.

(Editor's Note:) The second headline on page 1 should read; ALLIES DEVELOP ROCKET FIGHTER.



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