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Hale Hale The Gangs All Here
An impromptu party breaks out after the fighting has quieted down.  A G.I. plays an accordion while two guitarists, one a French woman, join in the melody.
Thrilled To Meet An American
this young lady beams as she accepts a gift of some rations (wonder if she changed her mind after she tasted them!).

...and The Band Played On
with all that music and a convivial crowd, having a dance or two was just the right thing to do.

Roll Out The Barrel
and We'll Have A Barrel Of Fun!
maybe this is where the song was composed?
   Photo believed to have been taken in Chef du Pont.
[courtesy of Kenneth Lewis]

Sixty Years Later
the celebrations continue as evidenced on this postcard sent to Zig Boroughs
Reminiscent of Rupert   In another celebration a straw dummy parachutes past an 82nd Airborne banner.
   The figure emulates those mock parachutists that were released by the Americans to confuse Germans into thinking the invasion force was even larger.
A Well Timed advertisement

On to His job for Victory --- Are you
doing all you can to back Him up?

     The name "IRVIN" on the harness means the chute is produced in a Irvin factory with  over 23 years experience and skill in chute-making  Literature can be had by school or training executives for the asking.  Address Main Office, Buffalo, N.Y.

THE CATERPILLAR CLUB: Founded in 1920. There is only one qualification for a life membership --- in an emergency men and women who have saved their lives with parachutes.   The word CATERPILLAR and representatives of a caterpillar are registered trademark features of Irvin Air chute Co., Inc. We are anxious that the Club Register be kept complete and members upon enrollment will receive a gold caterpillar pin with the name inscribed thereon.  Communicate with Main office.

1670 Jefferson Ave., BUFFALO, N.Y.
Factories at other points in United States and England ... All serving the United Nations Air Forces

.JUNE 1944

Adelchi Pilutti:
A mess awaited him

   Near midnight before D-Day Adelchi Pilutti 72 of Ocean Springs parachuted into Normandy with the 82nd Airbome’s 508th Parachute Infantry.
   Guess what he found when he landed near Ste Mere-Eglise?
     A mess” said Pilutti describing the confused and dangerous combat situation.
   “We captured small towns and held bridges and cut down communications lines — ordinary behind-the-lines work” said the retired carpenter who married a woman from Laurel and came to the Coast after World War II.
   Despite the confusion the situation was better than he’d expected Pilutti said he was glad to make the jump because the Germans were firing at his plane 

[Sun Herald, Biloxi, MA, 06 Jun 1994, Mon, Page 6]

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