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Company I effected the relief of Company H at Lt FORT at 1615 hour.
By 2130 hour the plan was received for the operation to be carried
out the night of 12-13 June 1944. At 2140 the detachment at the
bridge at CHEF DU FONT, and Company I at LE PORT were relieved by
division order and were moved to the regimental area on Hill 30.
An S-2 patrol departed with the mission of crossing the DOUVE RIVER
in the vicinity of BEUZEVILLE LA BASTILLE and determining possible
enemy resistance in the vicinity of BAUPTE, TEILERFER, BEUZEVILLE
AND CRETTEVILLE. The patrol was to cross the DOUVE in a boat pro-
vided and guided by a French civilian.

12 June 1944 

The river crossing by S-2 personnel was unsuccessful due to
a leaky boat which sank in midstream. All personnel returned to
the regimental area in the early morning. This day was spent in
preparation for the move south of the DOUVE across the causeway at
BEUZEVILLE LA BASTILLE. The regiment had the mission of forcing a
crossing of the DOUVE RIVER between MONTESEY and LIESVILLE, both in-
clusive, under the cover of darkness the night of 12-13 June, to
seize and hold BAUPTE and the bridge south of BAUPTE and to close
the corridor at FONT AUNY between PRETOT and LES SABLONS.

13 June 1944 

Company F, commanded by Lt. Goodale, crossed the DOUVE at
0001 by assault boat west of the causeway at BEUZEVILLE LA BASTILLE,
guided by the French civilian who had led the S-2 personnel the
previous night. Upon reaching the south side of the river Lt. Good-
ale called by SCR 300 for artillery fire to be laid on BEUZEVILLE to
disorganize enemy resistance that might be holding the town and
covering the causeway north of the town. This artillery concentra-
tion was laid down at 0100 and lasted for fifteen minutes. When the
artillery fire lifted. Company F wiped out the German defensive
position in the town after destroying two German tanks in the dark.
Then the regiment crossed the causeway in a column of battalions,
1st Battalion, 3rd Battalion, Regimental Headquarters, and 2nd Bat-
talion, all to separate at BEUZEVILLE and each battalion to follow
a prescribed route to its designated objective. 

The 1st Battalion, which was to pass through CRETTEVILLE and
subsequently move into regimental reserve at COIGNY, moved across
the DOUVE at 0400 hour. The leading combat patrol under Lt. Weaver
encountered two German tanks in CRETTEVILLE and promptly destroyed
them with bazookas and Gammon grenades. At 0745 the battalion
marched through CRETTEVILLE. At 0900 1st Battalion moved out to-
wards COIGNY. At 1100 the battalion encountered and destroyed five
Renault tanks near FEACQUETOT. At 1615 the Battalion occupied
COIGNY and established a perimeter defense as regimental reserve.
At 1900 hour Companies A and B, with one 57 mm AT gun attached to
each company, moved out to clear the area CUIGNY-HAUTEVILLK-LA PRI-
EURE. Company A ambushed and destroyed five light tanks and routed
a tank CP. At 2300 hours Companies A and B returned to the battalion
area at CUIGNY. 

The 3rd Battalion crossed the DOUVE at 0430 followed by Regi-
mental Headquarters Company, moved down the center of the regimental
area in a column of companies, and occupied an all around defensive
position at TAILLERFER in the corridor between FONT AUNY and HOTOT.
Regimental CP was established at 0700 at TAILLERFER. 

The 2nd Battalion crossed the DOUVE at 0500 and moved down
the east side of the regimental area to secure BAUPTE and contact
the 101st A/B Division at LA FEURES, southeast of BAUPTE. At 0751


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